Features of drug treatment Atsekardol: indications, instructions for use, analogues

  1. Pharmacological features
  2. Atsekardol: indications for use
  3. Contraindications
  4. Tablets Atsekardol: instructions for use
  5. Side effects
  6. Atsekardol during pregnancy
  7. Interaction with other medicines
  8. Atsekardol: analogues
  9. Conclusion

Many of us have known a drug like acetylsalicylic acid since childhood Many of us have known a drug like acetylsalicylic acid since childhood. It is often used to normalize body temperature. But not everyone knows that this medicine can help patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Today, pharmacies offer such a highly effective drug as Atsekardol tablets.

If you refer to the instructions for use, you can find out that the composition of this drug contains such an important component as acetylsalicylic acid. Doctors have prescribed this medicine to patients for many years, and its high therapeutic effect is well known to many patients.

However, even if you study well the information presented below, then you should not assume that this will be enough to start taking the drug yourself. As is the case with any medication, self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, so you should always begin treatment with a visit to a specialist.

Pharmacological features

The aforementioned drug acecardol is nothing but acetylsalicylic acid. This medicine is coated with a coating that dissolves when the drug enters the intestine. The drug is non-steroid and has anti-inflammatory effect.

The effect of the drug is manifested in the fact that when ingested, the active component begins to react, which causes an irreversible inhibition of COX, and this leads to immediate suppression and blockade of thromboxane A2 synthesis and platelet aggregation The effect of the drug is manifested in the fact that when ingested, the active component begins to react, which causes an irreversible inhibition of COX, and this leads to immediate suppression and blockade of thromboxane A2 synthesis and platelet aggregation. Achieved a similar effect persists for 7 days. The drug reaches its highest concentration in the blood 15 minutes after administration. In the absence of problems in the work of the urinary system, the withdrawal of a single dose of the drug with urine occurs during the day, in rare cases - up to 3 days.

Receiving high doses of the drug allows you to achieve an anesthetic effect and eliminate fever. Due to its ability to inhibit platelet synthesis, the drug is very effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Atsekardol: indications for use

If you refer to the instructions for use, then you can learn from it about the conditions under which you can take these pills.

Most often, doctors prescribe this medicine to their patients as a means of preventing acute primary and recurrent myocardial infarction if the patient has the following risk factors - obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia.

Unstable angina, the threat of ischemic stroke should be included in the list of indications.

Use prescribed by the doctor, the drug Atsekardol can be used as a means of preventing thromboembolism after undergoing surgical and invasive intervention on the vessels - angioplasty of the carotid and coronary arteries, aortovenous and coronary artery bypass surgery.


The vast majority of drugs in the instructions contain a list of conditions in which it can not be prescribed for treatment. The same applies to the acecardol tablets. In accordance with the instructions attached to the drug, it should not be prescribed to patients with the following disorders:

You also can not prescribe the drug Atsekardol dosage of 100 mg, its analogues and medicines, having the same composition, during gestation and lactation. Another contraindication to the use of the drug is the presence of individual intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and auxiliary components that make up this drug.

One should be very careful when prescribing a drug to patients with diagnosed liver dysfunction and undergoing a course of taking anticoagulants. If a patient has been prescribed a surgical operation, then he also is not recommended to take Atsekardol pills. According to the instructions for use, undesirable health effects can bring this medicine to patients suffering from kidney disease, because it is excreted through urine.

The described tablets are a group of long-term drugs. Drinking medicine in high dosages is allowed only in extreme cases to normalize the temperature.

Tablets Atsekardol: instructions for use

The instructions for the drug indicated that it is used orally. Tablets are taken immediately before a meal and washed down with a glass of water.

If the medicine was prescribed as a means of preventing acute myocardial infarction, then it is taken in 100 mg every day or 300 mg 1 time in 2 days. In order for the active component of the drug to be quickly absorbed in the body and its required concentration is achieved, the tablets must be chewed beforehand and only then washed down with water.

Patients who suffer from unstable angina or are at risk of recurrent infarction, ischemic stroke or thromboembolism, are prescribed 100 mg once a day Patients who suffer from unstable angina or are at risk of recurrent infarction, ischemic stroke or thromboembolism, are prescribed 100 mg once a day.

As a means of preventing pulmonary thromboembolism and its branches, and in addition to deep vein thrombosis, the drug is taken in a dosage of 100 mg once a day or 30 mg every 2 days.

Side effects

Analyzing the contents of the instructions for use and reviews, you can identify the following side effects that may occur when using this drug:

  • Disorders of the central nervous system, which can manifest as hearing problems, noise and hum in the ears, headache and dizziness.
  • Disturbances in the respiratory system, which can be manifested by the occurrence of bronchospasm;
  • Immune system abnormalities. The most characteristic manifestations are allergic rashes - spots, angioedema, blisters and anaphylactic shock.
  • Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often have the form of pain that occurs in the abdomen, attacks of nausea and vomiting, heartburn, perforated duodenal ulcer and stomach. This may also indicate increased activity of liver enzymes.
  • Disorders in the blood system that can cause anemia and bleeding tendencies in a patient.

The side effects described above are characteristic of the drug Aczecadol being described. But, judging by the reviews, they appear in rare cases, most patients tolerate the drug quite well.

Atsekardol during pregnancy

Atsekardol drug can not be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. This is explained by the fact that acetylsalicylic acid can have an extremely negative effect on the unformed body of a child . It is also worth mentioning about another important contraindication to taking the drug - age under 18 years.

When the active ingredient reaches its maximum concentration in the blood, it can easily penetrate into the child’s forming organism When the active ingredient reaches its maximum concentration in the blood, it can easily penetrate into the child’s forming organism.

The greatest danger to the health of the fetus, he is in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy when it is used in high doses. When treatment with this medication increases the likelihood of developmental defects, among which the split sky and congenital heart defects are particularly dangerous.

When deciding whether to prescribe Atcecardol tablets or its analogs to a patient, the doctor must first relate the risks and benefits of such treatment.

If acetylsalicylic acid is taken in the last months of pregnancy with a dosage higher than 300 mg, this may adversely affect the process of pregnancy. In some cases, this may cause premature closure of the arterial duct in the fetus, and sometimes increase the risk of bleeding during childbirth and cesarean sections in a young mother and her baby.

There is also information about whether it is safe to use Atsekardol tablets before childbirth. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this before birth, as this can cause brain hemorrhage in a child. This is especially dangerous for premature babies. It is best to find a safer treatment method.

Interaction with other medicines

Before prescribing the drug Atsekardol and its analogues, the doctor must take into account its effects on other medications, if any, taken by the patient. You should be aware that acetylsalicylic acid , which is part of the medication in question, has the property of enhancing the effect of certain substances contained in other medicines.

For example, with a weakened renal clearance and its displacement from the connection with proteins, the effect of methotrexate tablets increases, and this can lead to certain complications during treatment with this agent For example, with a weakened renal clearance and its displacement from the connection with proteins, the effect of methotrexate tablets increases, and this can lead to certain complications during treatment with this agent.

More acetylsalicylic acid ( aspirin ) has the ability to displace valproic acid from the connection with proteins, and this in turn leads to an increase in its effects on the body. It is not recommended to take along with thrombolytic anti-platelet drugs and Atecardol tablets. Judging by the reviews of patients, this combination of drugs has a very negative impact on the patient's health.

Also, the active component of the drug Atsekardol can enhance the effects of insulin and its derivatives, and this must be remembered primarily for those patients whose well-being depends on the level of sugar in the body.

In no case should Atzekardol tablets be treated together with preparations that contain the substance ibuprofen and its derivatives.

Atsekardol: analogues

When, for certain reasons, it becomes impossible for a patient to take Atecardol, including due to the high price, the question arises as to which drugs can be replaced. The requirements for analogs are the following - the same active ingredient must be present in their composition, and they themselves must affect the organism in a similar way. The following drugs can be considered the most effective and affordable substitute drugs:

  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • "Thrombone ASS";
  • "Cardi ASC";
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid";
  • "Aspirin".

I would like to remind you that it is necessary to take any of the above drugs in accordance with the instructions for use, which indicates its own regimen and the recommended dose. Substitute drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid are not intended for use in pediatrics. The reason for this is that they have a large number of contraindications and prohibitions for the simultaneous use with other drugs.

Conducting treatment with analogues of the drug Atsekardol, you must regularly be monitored by a specialist to obtain information about the state of the blood Conducting treatment with analogues of the drug Atsekardol, you must regularly be monitored by a specialist to obtain information about the state of the blood. It is also important to monitor whether blood does not appear in the feces of the patient. This information is obtained from the results of the conducted clinical analyzes, which give the doctor information about the direction in which the treatment will be carried out.


Acetylsalicylic acid is a very popular drug that today can be found in any home medicine chest. Of the modern drugs that contain this substance in its composition, Atsekardol should be distinguished. This affordable product can be used not only to normalize body temperature, but also in the treatment of other diseases. However, it should be remembered that these pills are not completely safe and are not suitable for self-treatment.

Therefore, even knowing what side effects they can cause and what contraindications they have, you should not risk your health and try at home to help yourself cope with the resulting illness. It is imperative that you see a doctor , be examined and tested, so that a specialist can determine the exact cause and see if these pills should be prescribed or whether another medicine will be much more effective in treating the disease.