How to distinguish allergic cough from cold: in adults, in children, symptoms and treatment, how it differs, how to recognize and define, learn, understand
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People don't always pay attention to cough , thinking that this is a simple cold, but you should not treat this symptom dismissively, because coughing can often be nothing more than a manifestation of an allergic reaction. In fact, such a disease can have very serious consequences, therefore, it is necessary to treat an allergic cough correctly and in a timely manner. To do this, after the appearance of the first symptoms, contact a medical institution. Especially often, allergic coughing is manifested in spring and autumn, when the probability of an allergen entering the body increases significantly.
The cause of this pathology, of course, is the body's reaction to the allergen, but this allergen may be different. The most common cough caused by allergies, occurs when in contact with animals, pollen, dust, insects and so on. That is, any allergens that can enter the human body through the respiratory tract can cause such a disease. But allergic cough has characteristic symptoms, so it is possible to distinguish it from a cold even at home, but for an accurate diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor anyway.
As already mentioned, it is easy to distinguish a cold cough from an allergic cough, because it has several distinctive features. A cough caused by allergies may occur immediately after the allergen enters the body, most often it occurs after a few minutes after irritation. However, it is paroxysmal in nature and can occur at any time of the day. Most often, an allergic cough manifests itself at night, accompanied by the release of clear sputum.
The main feature of allergic cough is the lack of body temperature, and this can be the main reason for contacting a specialist.
There is a certain clinical picture that indicates the occurrence of such a pathology. The main symptoms of cough, which has an allergic origin, are:
- redness of the skin;
- pruritus;
- tearing;
- frequent paroxysmal cough, accompanied by the release of sputum.
By itself, an allergic cough does not carry much danger, but it can cause stenosis of the larynx. For adults, laryngeal edema is not so dangerous, but in children it often becomes the cause of death. Laryngeal edema may occur if correct treatment of allergic cough is not performed. Moreover, it is very important to treat this pathology correctly, and this requires the help of a doctor.
Allergic cough can cause allergens that enter the body through the respiratory tract, as already indicated, it can be pollen, dust, wool animals and so on. That is, if a person there is a tendency to the manifestation of an allergic reaction, then he should avoid contact with such allergens as much as possible. And if the disease still manifested itself, it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate the allergen and minimize contact with it.
Treatment of this disease, both in adults and in children, should take place under the supervision of a physician, since an allergic cough can cause serious complications. At home, it is difficult to distinguish the allergic type of cough from a cold exactly, for this to be diagnosed, which will help determine the exact cause of cough. Moreover, it is worth noting that ignoring cough and late appeals to a specialist can lead to the fact that such a disease will develop into a chronic form. Many people try to get rid of this disease with the help of traditional medicine. Some prescriptions are really very effective, but in any case they need to be coordinated with your doctor.
Fall off of allergic cough is that it can develop into bronchial asthma, and in children cases of this pathology are more common than in adults.
The treatment of such a disease is a complex process that requires a special approach and accurate diagnosis. Allergic cough is diagnosed by the following methods:
- ECG;
- fluorography;
- lab tests;
- examination by a specialist.
Based on the data obtained, treatment is prescribed that will be most effective for this type of cough. In order to achieve the maximum effect of therapy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor. It is worth noting that to treat this disease in home conditions without prior consultation with a specialist is not recommended, even if the patient is confident in the effectiveness of the methods used. This is due to the fact that improper treatment can lead to the fact that the symptoms of allergic cough will increase and lead to complications. Allergic cough is treated with an integrated approach:
- preventive methods;
- drug treatment;
- strengthening the immune system;
- rinsing the mouth.
All medications that can be used to treat allergies should be strictly prescribed by a doctor, as some people may have sensitivity to certain components of the drug. Immunity can also be strengthened with the use of drugs. In addition, vitamin complexes are often attributed to allergies, which also strengthen the body. Often diets are an integral part of the treatment of allergies, since they can eliminate the likelihood of developing food allergies.
Proper treatment will help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of this disease and reduce the negative effect of allergens on the body. Since such a disease can adversely affect the life and health of a person, the sooner the therapy is started, the faster the patient’s condition will stabilize and improve.
Proper prophylactic methods will help minimize the likelihood of allergic cough.
Disease prevention
Having a predisposition to the occurrence of an allergic reaction, a person should use any preventive techniques to minimize the likelihood of allergic cough. Allergic cough occurs only after the allergen enters the body, respectively, eliminating the allergen, you can prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction and, accordingly, get rid of the need for drug treatment. There are several basic techniques that can prevent the occurrence of allergies:
- regular house cleaning;
- use of natural cosmetics and household chemicals;
- rinsing the mouth and nasopharynx.
It is possible to prevent allergic coughing, often performing wet cleaning in the house, since the cause of this disease is often house dust and animal fur. In addition to washing floors and wiping dust, you must regularly ventilate the room, clean the furniture, wash curtains and bed linen. If a person has already developed an allergic cough, then it is recommended, if possible, to remove from the house thick fleecy carpets and objects with maximum accumulation of dust, for example, ribbed figurines, tapestry paintings, lampshades and so on.
In addition, the use of natural cosmetics and household chemicals. This is due to the fact that the components of household chemicals often cause an allergic reaction. Especially carefully you need to treat all sorts of air fresheners, because they very often become the cause of allergic manifestations. Apart from the fact that the air freshener contains components that can cause allergies in the process of using the device, all its substances are sprayed into the air, thereby increasing the likelihood of irritant entering the body.
Prevention of allergic manifestations may also consist in the use of special methods, such as regular rinsing of the oral cavity. Since an allergic cough is caused by an allergen that enters the body through the respiratory system, regular rinsing will help eliminate the allergen before it enters the body. In addition, rinsing the mouth and nasopharynx will help reduce the symptoms of the disease. It is necessary to perform the rinsing procedure several times a day, it is especially important to rinse your mouth after doing house cleaning and after returning from the street, because it is then that the probability of an allergen entering is maximum.
Allergic coughing is a pathology that can cause serious complications and is always worth remembering. Even if prophylactic methods did not help to prevent an allergic reaction and its symptoms did show up, it is necessary to take special care in treating the pathology and consult a specialist as soon as possible. It is always worth remembering that any manifestations of allergy are very dangerous for the human body, because they indicate an excessive production of histamine.