How to pass a baby stool test before the garden. To pass tests before kindergarten.

  1. General blood analysis
  2. General urine analysis
  3. Feces on helminth eggs
  4. Scraping for Enterobiasis
  5. 1. Make an appointment with a pediatrician.

In addition to some very simple documents (copies of the birth certificate of the child, passport data of one of the parents) you will need to reduce the child to a small medical examination and pass certain tests. Do not be afraid, there is nothing scary and especially painful for your offspring. This procedure It is obligatory, as it allows to establish whether a new member of the team is dangerous for the rest.

As a matter of fact, there will not be too many analyzes needed.

General blood analysis

Complete blood count allows you to set important parameters that talk about general condition the body of the child. Here is a table with the norms of these indicators for children under 6 years of age:
- hemoglobin - 130-150g / l,
- red blood cells - 3.8-4.9x10 * 12 / l,
- leukocytes - 4-9x10 * 9 / l,
- ESR - 1-8 mm / hour
- platelets - 180-320x10 * 9 / l.

Deviations from the norm are the reason for more detailed studies that may be prescribed by the district pediatrician. Blood for research taken from the finger. It is considered optimal to take blood early in the morning on an empty stomach.

General urine analysis

Urinalysis is a study on protein, hemoglobin, bilirubin, ketone bodies, glucose, specific gravity, color, and transparency.

Urine should be collected in the morning during the first urination, the first 5-10 ml is better to skip. Before this, it is important to hold a toilet of external tin organs. Urination should be done in a clean, dry dish with a wide neck and a tight lid.

Urinalysis, as well as blood, is ready within one day.

Feces on helminth eggs

The incidence of helminth infections is very common among children, since babies constantly pull various, not always clean objects into their mouths. In children's institutions, the possibility of transmitting this disease from one baby to another is very high. That's why you need to go to the garden with a certificate of their absence. To hand over the analysis is not difficult. To do this, you need to pass a fresh sample of feces to the laboratory. The result of the analysis is usually ready the next day. In parallel with the study on the eggs of worms, the presence or absence of Giardia, a protozoan cyst, is diagnosed.

Scraping for Enterobiasis

This study for the presence of pinworms. This worm disease is particularly dangerous, as it is transmitted very easily, for example, through contact through the hands. The analysis taken in the laboratory - do scraping from the oral area.

Some gardens have requirements for more detailed research. In order not to spoil the nerves and not waste time in vain, before proceeding with medical research, the issue should be coordinated with the administration of the children's institution in advance.

When it's time to give the child in Kindergarten , many parents have a lot of excitement, because this is the first independent exit offspring in public life, and how it will be prepared, depends on the duration of its adaptation. However, this is a completely different topic that deserves a separate article, and not one!

At the stage of preparing a child for kindergarten, it is necessary to issue a special medical card. Under this survey means the delivery of some tests, as well as inspection by narrow specialists. The results of the studies are made in the same medical card, but this is not the last step. This is followed by the process of considering the issue of admitting a child to kindergarten by a special commission, the core of which, as a rule, includes the heads of the medical institution where the survey was conducted.

Analyzes for kindergarten include laboratory research biological materials. AT in this case we are talking about blood, urine, feces and the first two materials are subjected to a general analysis, the third is examined for the presence of worms. Most parents are particularly worried about the fourth item with the awesome name “scraping”. In fact, this is a conditional term, and the fence is made using a special tape with minimal application of adhesive substance. Usually, children do not have time to feel anything, so you should not express a particular excitement that can be transmitted to the child.

It is advisable to take tests for kindergarten after some preparation. What does it mean? For example, it is ideal to take blood on an empty stomach, even for a child. It is also necessary in the evening to limit the child in the use of sweet foods and drinks, because quite often the results indicate excessive content or in the blood, and then you have to pass them again, and, accordingly, the child must go through all the manipulations again.

Analyzes for kindergarten must be submitted in a sterile container. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, and you can make ordinary glass jars with a sterile boiling method and collect them. However, it is necessary to carry out the treatment, since any negligence in collecting may also entail a repeated procedure. Analyzes in front of a kindergarten is a responsible process, first of all, for parents, who should show maximum attention to this case.

Analyzes in front of a kindergarten is a responsible process, first of all, for parents, who should show maximum attention to this case

More often positive results found on the delivery of feces to worms. Of course, most parents are surprised and argue that this simply can not be, but the fact remains. In fact, the situation is more than trivial, because all children play outside in the sand, many have cats or dogs at home - these are the main reasons for the appearance of worms that parents do not always have time to pay attention to. That is why analyzes for kindergarten are of such importance.

Blood and urine examinations indicate a child’s general health, and any shift in them may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body, as well as the presence of inflammation and low-intensity infections, which plays an important role when a child enters the new team.

Now you know what tests for kindergarten need to pass, and the preparation for this research for you will no longer be something new and unexplored. It only remains to wish you good luck!

In order to start visiting the kindergarten in September, documents must be prepared in advance - in April-May.

Documents issued by the children's clinic - a completed form for a kindergarten from the district pediatrician and an extract about vaccinations. The results of the analyzes fit into this very form.

At my request, the nurse wrote me a list necessary analyzes and directions to them: general analysis blood (oac), urinalysis (oam), urine analysis for sugar, scraping for enterobiosis (pinworm eggs), feces analysis.

I have a biased attitude towards state laboratories, and, frankly, I am reluctant to go to the outskirts of the district at 7:30, so I decided to take tests in a private laboratory (which is located across the street from my house).

Scraping for Enterobiasis

Pinworms usually lay eggs in the early morning, near the anus (which is why one of the symptoms - the child often scratches the ass). In the clinic for analysis require a cotton swab, which you moved in places of possible eggs.

In a private laboratory, you need to take sterile glass in advance, at home after waking up, take a transparent tape prepared in advance, stick it in the ass and tear it in the best traditions of waxing. Then stick the tape on the glass and hand it over to the laboratory.

Of course, it is impossible to flush the child before this execution.

Since the results of this analysis are valid for 2 months, we had to pass it again, in August.

Analysis of urine

Before collecting the baby’s urine, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it, otherwise the results will be high levels of protein and / or white blood cells (signs inflammatory process ). Urine is needed first morning, you need to collect it in a special sterile container (its usual capacity is 30-50 ml).

For oam and analysis of sugar is enough one container.

Blood test

Oak is taken on an empty stomach, in a private laboratory, blood is taken until 11:30 (in contrast to the earlier time in polyclinics). It is advisable to pre-well water the child with water (so that the blood was not so thick).

Stool analysis

It requires a similar sterile container (with a special spatula). Morning material is required for analysis (however, it is possible to hand over the evening one, only it should be stored in a cool place).


On the same day, after lunch, I received the results of tests by e-mail, printed them out and, together with the results of circumvention of specialized specialists (ENT, optometrist, neurologist, dentist, gynecologist, surgeon), passed to the pediatrician.

The next day, the form for the kindergarten was ready. I know that some mothers receive this document for a small fee and without analyzes and examinations of doctors, however, everyone chooses his own version.

For those parents who only plan to send the child to the municipal kindergarten and have not yet come face to face with the bureaucratic machine, we have prescribed a comprehensive program on how to collect and pass tests for admission to the kindergarten.

One of the important documents for registration of a child in kindergarten is a medical card of the form No. 026 / у. What you need to get it?

1. Make an appointment with a pediatrician.

During the reception, the pediatrician will take a card for a kindergarten for the child and give it to you. Then you need to go through a number of specialists. Each specialist must make a record of the inspection and put a stamp in the medical record! List of specialists:

  • oculist
  • neuropathologist
  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • other specialists, by decision of the pediatrician.

2. Pass the tests.

The list of tests and examinations for kindergarten is large. These tests must be taken by the child annually before starting kindergarten after a summer or other long break (individually for each garden)

  • general urine analysis
  • general blood analysis
  • feces on eggs worm
  • swab on enterobiosis.

3. Get your hands on a medical card form number 026 / y.

After passing all the doctors, you should return with the child to the pediatrician and get your hands on the paper:

  • a card with notes about the analyzes in the kindergarten, the examination of all specialists and the final record of the pediatrician that the child is healthy and can attend preschool;
  • a vaccination card for those who did not vaccinate - rejection of them in the prescribed form on a special form, signed by both the parent and the doctor and with the seals of the institution (clinic).

In the free clinic, it may take you from a week to two to collect the necessary stamps in the card. In the summer, it is much easier to do this when there are no large queues and no need to make an appointment with a doctor in two weeks.

Even easier, but more expensive, to issue a map for the garden in a private clinic. However, these actions will cost you a decent amount from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

4. What should I do if the child attending kindergarten gets sick?

First of all, you must inform the tutors of your group!

If the child did not attend kindergarten for more than 3 working days, then in kindergarten parents will require a certificate of the child’s health and lack of contact with the infection. Such a certificate can be obtained in the children's clinic by place of residence or in a paid clinic.

At the end of the certificate always put:

  • date of issue
  • signature and personal stamp of the doctor who issued it
  • triangular printing clinic.

The child’s certificate of illness will be given only if you have contacted the clinic about the child’s illness, and there is an entry on the outpatient card . Or if the child was treated in the hospital. The certificate is issued at the doctor’s office after the examination, if the doctor has recorded the fact of recovery and allows the child to attend kindergarten.

If the parents did not contact the clinic about child diseases then the pediatrician at the reception after making sure that the baby is healthy, will issue a certificate in which instead of the diagnosis it will be written: “healthy; break". The certificate must mark the absence of pediculosis and contagious skin diseases . Put the date from which the child can attend kindergarten.

5. What if the child did not attend kindergarten for reasons other than illness?

If you leave with your family for a rest or plan to not go to the garden for a while, you can agree with your caregivers to have your child celebrated every 3 days as a member of the group, in order to avoid collecting regular references and analyzes.

If the break in the visit was short-term , the child will not need to take tests for kindergarten. But if the baby missed more than a month in the kindergarten , it will be necessary to pass a scraping on enterobiosis, and the child will receive admission to the kindergarten after the result of this analysis appears to the pediatrician.

The difference between these two certificates for parents is important, because if a certificate is given to the kindergarten after an illness, then for the missed period, the fee for the kindergarten is not paid, and if the child did not attend preschool without a good reason, then the time is paid and the condition is always prescribed in the contract between the kindergarten and the parents.

These rules apply only to state kindergartens.

What does it mean?
What you need to get it?
4. What should I do if the child attending kindergarten gets sick?
5. What if the child did not attend kindergarten for reasons other than illness?