How are people infected with hepatitis A? What is the risk of contamination from raw water?
- How do I know if I have a high risk of getting hepatitis A?
- What is the risk of getting hepatitis A from raw water?
Today statistics is not comforting: in almost all countries with low economic development hepatitis A is more of a childhood illness. Many have time to get sick up to 10 years, most acquire lifelong immunity. In many countries, hepatitis is called the "dirty hands disease", because in many ways the prevention of the disease depends on compliance with sanitary standards and standard rules for personal hygiene. There are a lot of ways of infection, because the virus doesn’t have so many conditions in order to succeed.
How do I know if I have a high risk of getting hepatitis A?
The first thing you need to do to study the propensity for the disease of a particular person is a blood test for the presence of antibodies. If antibodies were found, then the risk of infecting such a person is practically zero. If these antibodies do not, then you need to be vaccinated. Also at risk are those who travel a lot and try the cuisines of the world. It should be more careful about the choice of the restaurant in which you are going to have lunch.
Risk groups :
1. Family members of the patient who live with him. Hepatitis A is transmitted even through everyday objects, so the patient should be placed in a separate room and carefully handled all things. Such a disease can even be transmitted through a dish or towel.
2. Sexual partners of the patient. Infection occurs very quickly, so a condom alone is not enough to protect yourself from hepatitis A. If this is your regular partner with whom you come in contact regularly, then take a break until full recovery. If you have any doubts about an unfamiliar person, then exclude such a sexual relationship.

3. Gay men . Hepatitis A is transmitted through anal sex. It is imperative to use a condom and choose a partner carefully, without succumbing to momentary pleasure.
4. Tourists visiting countries with a high percentage of infection, along with impressions, risk bringing back a bunch of dangerous viruses.
5. People who inject drugs . Drug abusers are often weakened. This leads to the fact that the body can not fully resist the dangerous viruses. Also among those who inject drugs, the use of one needle for two or more people is quite acceptable.
Is it possible to contact with the patient and not get hepatitis A? Theoretically, this is possible, but you have to follow strict hygiene rules and be at a distance. Be sure to isolate children, because their immunity is weaker, and they are more susceptible to infection. If someone in your family is sick, then everyone should be screened for antibody detection. If they are not available, vaccination is necessary. So you prevent infection and save health. After vaccination, communication with the patient at the household level can be the same as before the disease.
Can I get hepatitis A again? If you have had this disease once, then you will develop immunity. Re-infection is almost impossible.
- Incubation period of hepatitis A. A dangerous virus enters the liver, causes cell death and worsens the overall condition of the body. The incubation period lasts 30-50 days. An infected person has headaches, body temperature and general malaise increase. At first, the disease is easily confused with the flu. At first it looks like a cold, and in its advanced form it can turn into liver damage and the appearance of yellowness on the skin.

What is the risk of getting hepatitis A from raw water?
The question is really relevant, because how far from always we can be sure of the quality of water that we use for domestic purposes and use. Unfortunately, most people use tap water, and its quality leaves it to do better. In order to kill possible bacteria, a boiling process is necessary. In fact, there are a lot of cases of hepatitis A infection from raw water, so it is important to treat the process seriously.
How to prevent contamination from raw water? For food purposes, try to get water from reputable proven manufacturers. So you can be confident in quality and protect yourself from infection. Many companies pay special attention to processing, so that the consumer gets a quality safe product. If you can not buy water, then boil raw each time. This applies to water not only from the tap, but also from sources. You can never be sure that there are no harmful microbes in the water you consume, so spend more time and boil it.
Prevention of hepatitis A :
1. Vaccination . The most reliable method to protect yourself from hepatitis A. The body becomes more resistant to viruses, so you can communicate freely with infected people at the household level.
2. Personal hygiene . Hepatitis A spreads by household very quickly. It is quite enough not to wash your hands after public transport or eat dirty vegetables or fruits. Wash your hands with soap and water every time you go home, to work, in a cafe. It is advisable to always have an antiseptic with you in the sprayer. Process vegetables and fruits, both from the market and from the supermarket.
3. Safe water . Try not to buy water in bottles from little-known manufacturers, boil tap water.
- Return to the contents of the section " Microbiology "
Author: Iskander Milevski
How do I know if I have a high risk of getting hepatitis A?What is the risk of getting hepatitis A from raw water?
How do I know if I have a high risk of getting hepatitis A?
Is it possible to contact with the patient and not get hepatitis A?
Can I get hepatitis A again?
How to prevent contamination from raw water?